Monday, May 31, 2010

Garden Comeback

Pardon our absence...we've been busy these past few months readying our garden with the high hopes that we can truly eat locally this summer. Our goal: from garden to table. Highlights below.

And here's a sneak peak at the latest garden triumph! (more to follow)


  1. The garden looks a-mazing! Can't wait to see the mystery project. PULEASE do a post on your urban composting process. We're trying to start a composter at our place but we're all pretty intimidated by it.

  2. LOVE it! Ya'll are amazing. Brooklyn is home to some surprisingly fertile soil. We have to work our asses off to grow fruit like that here in Austin -- all clay and limestone. Adding this to my list of reasons to relocate...

  3. Thanks for all the comments!

    Jessie - you must have read our minds...we have a post in mind dedicated to composting that we plan to share soon.

    Jamie - Brooklyn and all it's garden possibilities would love to have you.

    Erin - you are welcome over any time to feast on strawberries.

  4. You guys are my heroes, not only can you cook like crazy, you're gonna grow the food now too? Holy moly! Can't wait for summer vittles...
